Day 7

 Tracy Arm and the Sawyer glacier 

Morning views from our balcony

At breakfast 

Gazing on the glacier 

Tender pit activity 
Our group is the first zodiac away today 

In the front seat again. 

Seal sun baking on an iceberg.

Yes there is a mountain goat on the cliff. 

Theresa, our boat captain, retrieved a piece of ice.

We took our share to the explorers bar where the friendly bar tender added it to our drinks. 

Next event was a tour of the bridge. 

I wanna chart plotter like this. 

In the captains chair with the captain. 

Here is a quick tour of our cabin. 

This afternoon’s lecture was on how whales make and hear sounds. 

View from the restaurant at dinner. 

As part of the ships green credentials all menus are published on the app where everything on the boat is booked and notified  

During dinner we saw a number of whales blowing 

Then watched a pod of 3 orcas playing off the bow  


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