Day 2

Vancouver to the Ship. 

The day started with an early morning city walk around our hotel. 

But all the good shops were closed.
Late opening and closings are the norm here. 

The tour official began with a half day city coach tour.

Streets run North South and
Avenues run East West
Obviously there are some exceptions to confuse. 

As seating the movies traffic lights do hang from wires and swing in the breeze. 

While the display was wrong the timer inside knew it was 10:15

The drive through China Town produced no photos.

Stanley park is renown for its Totem poles.

These are around 40 years old and in poor condition. 
The trading is not to repair but replace. 

Where we have bin chickens Vancouver has Canadian Geese.

Our final stop was at Grenville Island to see the House Boats. 
Really floating houses. 

The island has a large market area selling lots of good stuff and so one interesting recipes. 
We enjoyed fruit salad for lunch. 

Next stop was Canadian customs followed by US customs then the shipping companies desk. 

All passengers receive a waterproof jacket and don’t we look wonderful. 

The mandatory safety drill included a demonstration of Putin an immersion suite as well as a life jacket. 
Let’s hope we need neither. 

The ships capacity is 500 but is sailing with only 410.

Stacks of Sulphur awaiting export. 

Many shipyard anchor

Just to show how small the ship is

Dinner is served with the sun sinking lower. 


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